Six reasons to feel good about photography right now

Photographers worldwide have had a lean couple of years but now that we’re a quarter of the way through 2011, there are some things that we should celebrate about the state of photography in this day and age.

    1. Photography is more easily accessible: The entry level has been lowered as the price of high quality cameras go down.


    1. More people interested in photography means more people can appreciate good images when they see it.


    1. You can fix up pimples, bumps and lumps in Photoshop, more often than not in under 30 seconds.


    1. Interested in obscure photography? Want to go old school? You can form a community around your images through flickr, strobist and other sites. The photography community is increasingly moving online, which means you can always find support for your images.


    1. Instant gratification: You take a photo and you can look at it straight away so you know if you got it right or failed miserably. This also has it’s downsides (see: facebook pose)


  1. Cameras are getting smaller and smarter. And if people give you shit for say, using your iPhone, remember, Henri Cartier Bresson used to be criticized by the more traditional medium format photographers of his era for using a 35mm camera.

What can you add to the list?

What to wear to a corporate photo shoot

Confused about what to wear to your upcoming corporate photo shoot? In this post, we outline how to avoid common mistakes and give shortcuts to help you look your best.

Keep in mind that fashions change while your photo stays the same – at least for a couple of years.

This photo will literally shape your image in your business. Here are some simple guidelines we’ve perfected through the years.



– A suit jacket or formal cardigan with crisp shirt, blouse or shift dress.

– Wear something that fits your form but doesn’t give an eyeful of skin.

– White shirts help brighten and illuminate your face.

– Wear a jacket that isn’t the same shade as your hair.

Put a little more make up on than usual and do a quick touch up before the photo shoot. Try to stick to natural colours.

– Bring a suit jacket, regardless of the weather that day.

– If the photos are full-length, make sure your footwear is clean and polished.


– Wear a clean, well-fitted suit with a plain shirt and tie.

– Bring a suit jacket, regardless of the weather that day.

– Avoid “loud” ties that have clashing colours or cartoon characters.

– If the photos are full-length, make sure your footwear is clean and polished.

Hair and Accessories:

– If you have advance notice, get your hair cut a week or two before the shoot.

– Make sure your hair is neat and tidy on the day.

– Men, have a shave before you go into work and try to book your shoot early in the day to avoid the 5 0’clock shadow stubble.

– Avoid Movember.

– If you’re sporting a beard or mo, neatly trim your facial hair.

– Check your teeth and make up. We don’t mind waiting while you do a last minute look in the mirror.

– You can wear your glasses, we have ways to avoid reflections. We also give you the option of having some photos with the glasses and some without.

– Wear simple jewellery

This isn’t a visit to the dentist or your school photos. We’re here to make you enjoy the experience of having your photo taken. The more relaxed you are, the better the images will turn out. We’re flexible and friendly so don’t be afraid to ask questions or view the back of the camera for instant feedback.

Five things you didn't know about Studio Commercial

  1. There is a door that leads to nowhere in the Studio: It used to be old  fire stairs once upon a time but the stairs were replaced and now the door leads nowhere. There’s a safety glass barrier, it’s all kosher, nobody has been killed.
  2. Jason was over the moon when during a press shoot, Hugh Jackman asked him “Hey Jas, where do you want us?”
  3. Our darkroom has been converted into a storage room since 2001, when the first Canon D30 came out. It was three megapixels. That’s less than your old mobile phone.
  4. Dave recently came back from two months in Chile and a month in the States. Feel free to practice your Spanish on him.
  5. We did all of the renovations in the studio ourselves over the last ten years. It was a long work in progress.

Vodka and Whiskey Photoshoot

I had heaps of fun giving orders from my comfortable chair to our Managing Director, Jason, during this shoot.

This was the first photo shoot I was involved with after breaking my hip earlier this year. I’ve been doing alot of retouching so it was great to take control of a shoot.

We had a great cocktail stylist on site, which made the whole day a breeze.

Hello World!

We’re starting this blog to share what we know about commercial photography in Sydney, show you some of our photoshoots and the occasional behind the scenes shenanigans. We also want to have a crazy amount of fun and interaction.

Stroll through our about pages to find out our areas of expertise and what each of us would do on our last day on earth.

Be curious, ask questions and let us know what you would like to see more (or less) of by emailing blog[at]studiocommercial[dot]com.

Cheers, Jason Doyle, Vanessa Etherington, Dave Silva & Andrew Ratter.

Want to know the history of Hello World?