Our new red couch was supplied by one of our long term clients “By Dezign“.

Nice to be able to give something back to clients occasionally!

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas
from the Studio Commercial team

Here’s to the end of the crappiest year ever, see ya 2020!

We’d love to wish you, our wonderful clients, a very Merry Christmas and thanks for your amazingness again this year (especially this year), we look forward to a better & brighter 2021!

A big shout out to the Federal & State Governments and the City of Sydney, and especially our landlord (who are next door to us – the Pitt Street Uniting Church) for all of your generous support this year, without it we wouldn’t be here right now.

We’ll be closing in the late afternoon of Monday 21/12/20 (pop in for a Chrissy beverage if you’re nearby!) and re-opening on Monday 11/1/21.

We have photographers on stand-by to do both studio and location shoots (and image orders/retouching) if needed during this period.

⇒     In the meantime… check out our new website!     ⇐

Stay safe & stay cool these holidays,

Studio Commercial
Jason, Dave, Andrew & Vanessa